We transform ideas into innovative digital solutions

We are the Wozniak to your Jobs, we are the malt to your cupcake, we are the Spock to your Kirk, we are the Doc Brown to your McFly - I think you got the idea.

Droni.co is a personal and team brand, a project that has tried to die several times and refuses to do so. I am the one who drive this ship (Gustavo Barragán) and when I started Droni.co it was nothing more than my playground, a place to test technologies, languages, frameworks and more, a test site that has gone through a thousand changes and where I have experimented with every new thing there is on the market, and I don't think this will stop being the case, although I must say that at this moment the plans are a little more mature, I am already a little tired of completely destroying the site every year because now I want to try something else, so I plan to stabilize it a little more so that I am not punished so harshly at the SEO level and to be able to give continuity and traceability to everything we do.

I say "we do" because...

During my working life, jumping from company to company, I met many people who contributed a lot to my personal and professional life and some of them have even gotten involved in this project, some are even still involved and participate in the developments I do here, to give a few examples, the current logo was designed by Juana Rosas and Andrea Diaz, the latter has also done several of the product designs that have come out of Droni.co over time, and there is also Manuel Laverde who wrote several of the blog posts and for some time managed content for social networks under this name. That is why although I am constantly the one who sits down to develop the projects, I usually have the support of several people involved who also contribute a lot to everything that comes out of here.

It's inevitable to see it as a company, but it's not

Although I like free software, sharing my developments and everything we produce at Droni.co (even if it makes me sad), I must say that you have to make a living somewhere and as they say -My children are not fed to the wolves- that's why for many years I have also found time to offer web design and software development services commercially from Droni.co, that's how we already have eCommerce clients, administrative software, virtual education, among others, and we continue to dedicate time to creating solutions for clients because in addition to being an opportunity to implement all these things that we are developing together, it is also a way to pay the bills for the services that we are testing.

Our team


Gustavo Barragán

Ingeniero de Software


Andrea Diaz

Diseñadora Gráfica


Manuel Laverde


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